A non-profit organization, (known as a 501c3 organization after the IRS code that allows them to offer tax deductions for people and organizations who contribute to them) is a group of people focused on a mission that is not financial. For example, HPL Institute is a 501c3 non-profit organization originally started in Delaware, 2001. HPL Institute is dedicated to helping people and groups connect toward health, prosperity, and leadership. Due to their mission, HPL Institute also works to enable other small (less than $25,000 in contributions) non-profit organizations if they work toward health, prosperity, and leadership. The best way to help other non-profits, they believe, is by making the CIRWEP platform available to them for free and helping to promote their events and programs. To find out more about the groups and organizations who are associated with HPL 501c3 institute or to request information on utilizing the CIRWEP platform for free, check out the HPL 501c3 web page.
Larger non-profit organizations may also be interested in utilizing CIRWEP for a nominal fee. Over the years, we've noticed that all non-profit organizations have the same needs. Each non-profit organization needs:
There are lots of free and available technology tools to do these things. We encourage non-profits to review those that are available: (Click here to see a list of them). The problem, as we've noted elsewhere on this site, is that these tools are not integrated and require quite a bit of technological acumen to utilize. Since most non-profits are all about the mission, they often don't have highly technical volunteers to manage these technical capabilities. Furthermore, most communication technology limits itself to electronic communication. Again, most non-profits are all about the mission, and the sponsors, volunteers, and contributors are not necessarily frequent users of email, social media, or websites. Expecting them to utilize technology in order to contribute their time, effort, and money is not appropriate. Most non-profit organizations need to be able to contact people both online AND offline; easily, without a lot of trouble and extra work. CIRWEP will be designed to enable a non-profit organization to create a flyer for an event once, for example, and be able to send that same flyer in an email, print it out for personal distribution, and posting on a web or social media site without having to redo the flyer three times. Also, CIRWEP will allow no-cost registrations to be entered in the same system as fee-based registrations (unlike most online registrations available today) so that a complete list of attendees can be printed out (and name tags created - automatically!).
Let's say you are a small church who wants to hold a weekend retreat or conference. The logistics of getting the word out to everyone can be daunting. Then add the tasks of planning the workshops, writing up the schedule, registering the people who want to go, finding out their housing preferences, collecting the pass-thru fees for the weekend, lining up the people who will do the cooking, identify the people who will clean out the rooms, etc., etc. Back in the day when there were only two communication mediums (postal mail and phone) and everyone usually met in person on a weekly basis (See you in church!), these logistics were easily handled through signup sheets and conversations. When email and social media came along it seemed to make communications easier because we no longer had to personally contact every person individually, but in reality the plethora of communication pathways complicates the issue. Some people don't always respond to paper forms in the mail anymore. And some people do not read their email. Not everyone is on the same social media site. All of these complications have turned an easy-but-time-consuming task into a nearly-impossible task. These difficulties interfere with the mission of the non-profit because they make it more difficult to contact people and hold events that attract as many people as in the past. Furthermore, the requirement to utilize information technology is sidelining a lot of wonderful volunteers who don't happen to be interested in the latest Facebook news or Twitter feed.
HPL Consortium is developing CIRWEP specifically to deal with the issues of non-profit organizations, as well as healthcare providers and other people with specific expertise such as consultants and gurus. We know the problems they face. We know the gaps in current technology that they must deal with, and we are working as fast as we can to minimize the gap and make the tools available as quickly as possible. To see where we are in our mission, Take a look at our plans You may also want to get on our list so that you can stay in the loop and know when CIRWEP will be available for your use.